
29 March 1942

Generals Thomas Blamey and Douglas MacArthur, respectively Australian commander and Allied Supreme Commander, meet for the first time.

Japan continues its conquest of Burma, taking Paungde, Shwedaung and capturing the Sittang Bridge at Toungoo.


28 March 1942

Moresby receives alert from administrative post at Kokoda village that Japanese bombers flying overhead apparently heading to Moresby. But no bombers arrive, only a lone reconnaissance plane, which is scared off by Kitthyawks.

In Darwin, USAAF 9th Pursuit Squadron claims three Japanese planes shot down during an air raid on the city and harbour.


27 March 1942

Australian General Thomas Blamey is named commander-in-chief of all Australian military forces.

Japanese forces besieging the Chinese at Toungoo in Burma bomb, strafe and fire tear gas into the walled city but the defenders hold firm. Japanese await arrival of heavy artillery.

Another Japanese bombing raid on Moresby by 3 bombers dropping 12 bombs on airstrip. Reports arrive that a Kittyhawk brings one bomber down and one Kittyhawk crashes.


26 March 1942

New Supreme Commander of South-West Pacific, General Douglas MacArthur, meets the Australian Advisory War Council for the first time.

In Burma, Chinese troops are desperately holding out in the ancient walled city of Toungoo which is surrounded and under siege by a large Japanese force.


25 March 1942

B Company of 39th Battalion moves to a new position at 12-Mile area outside Moresby. During the move 3 Japanese bombers raid the airstrip and the harbour, again causing little damage.