
22 February 1942

A Japanese float plane flies around Lord Howe Island, approaching within a kilometre at about 500 feet. Local fishermen report they could see marking 'E4G', he same as the plane that flew over Sydney five days earlier. The plane headed off to the east.

US President Roosevelt appoints General Douglas Mac Arthur as commander of Allied forces based in Australia and orders him to leave Corregidor in the Philippines for Australia.


21 February 1942

Amazingly, now 125 men from 53rd Battalion being used for labouring and picquet duties in Moresby, seriously damaging the unit’s morale.

Both other militia garrison units, 39th and 49th Battalions, are also being used for building defences, especially around the town’s airstrip. Moresby’s High Command is fixated in their view that Moresby will be the direct target of any invasion.


20 February 1942

The strange confusion of priorities continues in Moresby as at least 75 troops from 53rd Battalion are used for labouring on wharves and picquet duty in Moresby. These inexperienced Militia troops have had little formal military, and still no jungle training.

In Darwin, about half of the city’s population flees south, heading for Adelaide River and the train south. Many military personnel also join the exodus and chaos grips the city after yesterday's first Japanese bombing raid.


19 February 1942

For the first time, the Australian mainland comes under attack as Japanese bombers hit Darwin twice today. The raid is bigger than Pearl Harbour and will be followed by 63 more bombing raids on the city through to November 1943.

Planned and led by the same commander responsible for Pearl Harbour 10 weeks ago, the attack comprises 54 land-based bombers and 188 attack aircraft from four aircraft-carriers in the Timor Sea.

Just before 10am heavy bombers escorted by Zero fighters pattern-bomb the town and harbor and then attack shipping, airstrips and even the Berrimah Hospital. A second raid follows about an hour later.

The raids kill at least 243 and wound between 300 and 400 and sink 8 ships and destroy 20 aircraft.


18 February 1942

The MV Malaita, a 3300 ton passenger cargo vessel, arrives in Cairns carrying almost 300 passengers from Moresby, the last civilians to leave the Papuan capital.

In Moresby, troops from 53rd Battalion are placed on picquet duty guarding all major installations to protect Army and civilian property from looting now that the civilian authorities have departed.